Utopiacats, nace de la necesidad y de la amistad, Cathy con sus 6 gatos y yo Maria con 2 gatos y 2 perros, eramos vecinas y a pesar de vivir en un bungalow, nos pareció buena la idea de buscar una casa en el campo, y dar un poco de calidad de vida a perros y gatos.
Ya en la calle donde viviamos aparecian otros gatos a los que a pesar de las protestas de algunos vecinos, dabamos de comer, nos ganabamos su confianza y los acogiamos en casa, es como llegaron los primeros adoptados por nosotras mismas, Obelix, Lulú, Chufi y Cachou que tambien se vinieron a la nueva casa UTOPIA.
Utopiacats no es solo un nombre, es un sueño realizable! Una docena de gatos han sido adoptados en los primeros 6 meses, y de hecho ya son muchos los que han salido de la calle y hoy disfrutan de una vida normal para cualquier ser, con una familia que les quiere, alimentados, y con la posibilidad de poder dormir tranquilos sabiendo que nadie te atacará, y cada mañana correr a la cocina a por el gran desayuno de lata.
UTOPIACATS started with a mission, and a friendship with Cathy and her
6 cats, and me, Maria with my 2 cats and 2 dogs. We were neighbors and
because we each lived in a small bungalow, the idea came to look for a
country home and join our forces to give a quality life to the cats and dogs.
There were a lot of street cats where we used to live, and we started to feed them on a regular basis to gain their trust.
Confrontations with neighbors who disagreed with what we were doing did not stop us and so we started bringing home (in a spare bedroom) one or two at the time. We adopted the first ones, Obelix, Lulu, Chufi and Cachou who also moved with us to our new UTOPIA home.
UTOPIACATS is not only a name... it is a dream come true!
In the 1st six months, we have rehomed 14 street cats, and as of today, many more have been removed from the streets, hoping for a loving family, enjoying a good life, well nourished, able to sleep without the risk of being attacked, and run to the kitchen every morning for the big breakfast.
Ya en la calle donde viviamos aparecian otros gatos a los que a pesar de las protestas de algunos vecinos, dabamos de comer, nos ganabamos su confianza y los acogiamos en casa, es como llegaron los primeros adoptados por nosotras mismas, Obelix, Lulú, Chufi y Cachou que tambien se vinieron a la nueva casa UTOPIA.
Utopiacats no es solo un nombre, es un sueño realizable! Una docena de gatos han sido adoptados en los primeros 6 meses, y de hecho ya son muchos los que han salido de la calle y hoy disfrutan de una vida normal para cualquier ser, con una familia que les quiere, alimentados, y con la posibilidad de poder dormir tranquilos sabiendo que nadie te atacará, y cada mañana correr a la cocina a por el gran desayuno de lata.
UTOPIACATS started with a mission, and a friendship with Cathy and her
6 cats, and me, Maria with my 2 cats and 2 dogs. We were neighbors and
because we each lived in a small bungalow, the idea came to look for a
country home and join our forces to give a quality life to the cats and dogs.
There were a lot of street cats where we used to live, and we started to feed them on a regular basis to gain their trust.
Confrontations with neighbors who disagreed with what we were doing did not stop us and so we started bringing home (in a spare bedroom) one or two at the time. We adopted the first ones, Obelix, Lulu, Chufi and Cachou who also moved with us to our new UTOPIA home.
UTOPIACATS is not only a name... it is a dream come true!
In the 1st six months, we have rehomed 14 street cats, and as of today, many more have been removed from the streets, hoping for a loving family, enjoying a good life, well nourished, able to sleep without the risk of being attacked, and run to the kitchen every morning for the big breakfast.